Would You Like to Know series
Candle/Lion Publishing
First published in 1985 by Candle Publishing
Co-edited in 28 countries/languages since 1985
Republished in 2016
The latest book that has been re-published in this series is: "Would you like to know about Bible Stories". This book tells how God made wonderful promises - and how he kept those promises. With five Old Testament and seven New Testament stories, this storybook offers a great starting point to getting to know the Bible.
available from:
Tom, Katie and friends series
Published by Learning Development Aid, 2012
These books teach children how to solve different situations and how to deal with the circumstances and emotions.
available from:
Jesus and Me series
Published by CWR, 2009, 2010
A series of four beautifully illustrated, 60 day devotionals for three to six year olds. Based around stories from both the Old and New Testaments, the books are intended to be used with an adult. Each day has a short Bible verse and related story, a brief thought and a prayer to help children respond to Scripture.
available from:
www.amazon.co.uk and www.amazon.com
Bible Early Learning series
Published by Candle Books, 2009
This series answers the questions children naturally ask in simple language and with brightly coloured pictures which complement the text.
available from:
www.amazon.co.uk and www.amazon.com